Yessir, the word on The Teachers Lounge, is already out...
"This book is so bad the ghost writer probably killed himself!"--People Magzine
"... and then comes that moment when all literary value is lost with the dispiriting realization that the book's not thick enough for use as an effective doorstop."--The New Yorker
"At 48 pages, the book's covers are still too far
apart!"--George Bernard Shaw
"Harris writes with the wit, flair and j'nai se qua of a latter day Swift, Johnson and Soupy Sales"--Commentary
"Harris plumbs to the very depths of social reality---and stays there!"-The Nation
"I laughed so hard I wet the guy sitting in front of me's seat!!"--Ed MacMahon
"This may be the second worst toxic substance oozing out of the earth in the past two weeks!"--GreenPeace News
"We propose that the Nuremburg Tribunal be re-empaneled"--Ladies Home Journal
"Just the book for someone with time on his hands."--Bernie Madoff.
Read the book everyone's talking about---and then when you finish that Nicholas Sparks crap, get THE TEACHERS LOUNGE, available at Amazon and other friendly, neighborhood Internet Flea Markets!!
The One Liners #365
15 years ago
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