Sunday, April 25, 2010

Cocoa for Koo Koo Puffs

*** Well, looks like Rich Little's career is over---he was told that his Statute of Imitations ran out!!

*** More signs of the Great American Dumbdown---it was reported that
book clubs have taken to meeting once a month to discuss the next chapter!

*** Whenever a Jew gets a nose job it's often a case of cutting off your nose to spite your race

*** I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous!

*** I've always like that song from Jesus Christ Supertar, "I Don't Know How to Love Him". expressing so poignantly the conflicting emotions of a young woman who happens to have the hots for GOD!!

*** Okay, now my computer's becoming a Drama Queen---an attempt to put a measly item in my Favorites file was met with the ominously terse message
CATASTROPHIC FAILURE--I mean I swear I heard the strains of Max Steiner's violins
ascending toward a thundering climax.

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