Sunday, September 12, 2010

Bonfire of the Idiocies

The 19th-century German poet Heinrich Heine so presciently warned us, "Those who burn books will someday burn people".

How true!

That being said, I must confess to indulging in my own personal little bonfires now and then---Okay, I have no intention of burning people-in the forseeable future that is, but I had no qualms about putting to the torch the following:

All of the works of Danielle Steele;James Patterson; Nicholas SparksVanna Speaks; Stephen King's last 10 books; all autobiographies of those who served in government leadership positions since LBJ took office;
90% of John Grisham's books;books about the trials and tribulations of teenage vampires and werewolves in love; all current and future books by Arnie Harris; Mein Kampf, The DaVinci Code.

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