Monday, August 2, 2010

WHO IS this man?

I wrote down Obama's promise the morning after winning the Iowa Caucus in '07:
"If elected president I will have the soldiers home from Iraq in thirty days".
Since being snookered into voting for him, I've become more and more angered by his "leadership".
There is so much---on the surface---that is enviable about the man-- his apparent earnestness, his polish, charm and eloquence, his debonair way---but I've grown to realize that this all a pre-programmed personality package our corpo-political overseers successfully sold us.

The worst thing I can say about him is, that at best, he's another Clintonesque centrist-to-slightly-left Democrat who says all the pretty things to mollify the Left, while obligingly pursuing our rapacious corporate-military agenda.

(Part II tomorrow)

1 comment:

Author Joe Dyson said...

Perfect comic timing! You had me on the floor!