Friday, August 6, 2010

Joe Friday

*** My sister!! When we lived in Brooklyn she planned a trip to the Netherlands and thought all she had to do was take the Holland Tunnel!.

*** Underground Railway---Later renamed the Lincoln Tunnel.

*** I've lost my desire to write "The Great American Novel"---turns out Phillip Roth already did
almost 40 years ago! DAMN!!
Settin' my sights a bit lower---"The Great American Twee"

*** He who runs away lives to run away another day.

*** Rep. Orrin Hatch of today,The "that's a nice lookin' stick you have up your ass Jim"---"Oh yours too, Bob!!" Party proposed that unemployment compensation recipients be drug-tested before being given their money---OH NO YOU DIDN'T!!

*** To Congressman Charles Rangel---okay, if you're gonna be a greasy character that doesn't mean literally slathering it all over your head!!

*** So,, Chelsea Clinton's new husband is an Investment Banker---nice to see Bill taking him into the family business.

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