Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Nagging Hopes

*** I wouldn't say that BP is getting desperate over how to stop that underwater gusher, but reports are they're developing, in a top-secret lab, the largest wad of chewing gum the world has ever seen.

*** I love that new country tune "I Just Broke Up with My Sixth Soulmate".

*** Reportedly a favorite song among cannibals is "Everybody's Somebody's Fuel"

*** Well, I had my unemployment pay cut off. Only one thing to do now: get outta bed tomorrow morning, shave, shower, dress and go to the computer and apply for Social Security.

*** I'm happy to say that my book sales are brisk, but I think by tomorrow I run out of family members.

Since nobody asked...

I'm so old I remember when Robert DeNiro cared about acting. Ditto, Sam Waterson.
I remember when Tim Burton made a really good movie.
Ditto, M. Night Shyamalan.
It seems that Ben Stiller is being taken seriously as a dramatic actor; that's good , I never took him seriously as a comedian.

*** Congress is formulating tough, no-nonsense, unsparing regulations and restrictions on Wall Street to prevent another collapse like 2008's.
From now on, The CEO's must politely ask the SEC "May I?", before going ahead with another swindle.

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