Monday, May 21, 2012

Why Pot is Still Illegal

Why pot has not been legalized. Simple really---it's not capitalist-bureaucratic-social-system friendly. Its effects induce in people insights into the fundamental absurdities meaninglessness and emptiness on which upon our social organization and ethos are organized The very waste of our life energies and labors to "earn a living" (the obscene assumptions of that latter phrase should become immediately apparent)-- that life is not a gift, but something that has to be paid for in nearly a lifelong servitude. Use of pot will awaken a sleepwalking public, and in the end, bring this cheap, shabby and souless charade we live out come crashing down to its well earned and overdue terminus.

Sunday, October 9, 2011



In short, "24" meets "Crossing Jordan" meets "Nurse Jackie."

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Chicken Soup TV

*** Notice to kidnappers, In light of the economy,A King's Ransom has officially been devalued to a Palace Guard's.

*** I couldn't hurt ya in a million years...right NOW though...

*** "Latest: "Al-Qaeda Promises More Small-Scale Terror Attacks"--- wow, I guess they'r hurtin' too in this economy!

***And the #1 most frequent headline of the year, "NFL Player arrested for DUI".

#2 Consumer confidence Index shows gains"

#3 "Unemployment rate grows"

#4 "Unemployment claims decrease"

#5 "Ecomomy slides"

#6 "Economy makes slow gains"

#7 "Consumer Confidence Index falls

#8 Bill Maher takes stab at Jon Stewaert"

#9 Keith Olbermann trashes Bill Maher"

#10 Stephen Colbert takes aim at Rachel Ray"

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

One giant leap for mankind.

"(AP)An Iranian woman whose sentence of execution by stoning for adultery provoked a worldwide outcry will instead be hanged for murder on Wednesday, a human rights group said."

Ah, kinda restores your faith in human progress, don't it??

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Foot Free and Fancy Loose

Upcoming TV Highlights for the Week:

The team investigates reports of a strange hairy creature
roaming downtown Cincinatti.


The team attempts to prove that, although the UFOs recently spotted over Manhattan were identified as party balloons, they were nevertheless party balloons from Neptune.


The team of decorators are shot dead ending an altercation over the house owners hating the result and refusing to pay the $1,000.


Paul James plants a bed of Petunias while denying over and over that he was the inspiration for Ned Flanders on The Simpsons.


Ol' curmudgeonly granddad finally makes good on his threats to kill them, when his son, grandson and his idiot friend buy an etch-a-sketch for $50,000.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Saturday Afternoon Half-Alive!!

*** I told my wife how much I like that old standard, Make Someone Happy---she said "Good, when are you gonna start??!"

*** That ol' classic Lady Chatterly's Lover is hot--- I had the urge to light up a cigarette every seven pages!

*** In yet another devastating indication of the utter failure of our education system, last weekend "Jackass 3-D" took in 50 million dollars.

*** Those damn honks that cars give off when the owner locks it by remote control make me nervous. I always react by thinking I'm blocking someone's way, or almost hitting them as I back out of a spot.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Dorothy Parker "What Fresh Hell Is This?" File

--- Cindy O'Connell

--- Bridezillas

--- Outsourced

--- Tracy Morgan---funny? Really??

--- NY gov hopeful Carl Paladino.

--- Swamp People

--- Charlie Sheen BACK on that unmentionable show.