Saturday, November 20, 2010

Chicken Soup TV

*** Notice to kidnappers, In light of the economy,A King's Ransom has officially been devalued to a Palace Guard's.

*** I couldn't hurt ya in a million years...right NOW though...

*** "Latest: "Al-Qaeda Promises More Small-Scale Terror Attacks"--- wow, I guess they'r hurtin' too in this economy!

***And the #1 most frequent headline of the year, "NFL Player arrested for DUI".

#2 Consumer confidence Index shows gains"

#3 "Unemployment rate grows"

#4 "Unemployment claims decrease"

#5 "Ecomomy slides"

#6 "Economy makes slow gains"

#7 "Consumer Confidence Index falls

#8 Bill Maher takes stab at Jon Stewaert"

#9 Keith Olbermann trashes Bill Maher"

#10 Stephen Colbert takes aim at Rachel Ray"


Author Joe Dyson said...

The cop let me out of a DUI when I couldn't prove that I played in the NFL

Arnie Harris said...
